Sunday, June 29, 2008

i lost my cool...
too many annoying people around.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

what will u expect to get when u withdraw $350 from the ATM?

yup, 7 pieces of $50 notes. duh.

and have u wonder why does the ATM always lack of $10 notes?

no more liao lo... and that always make people very frustrated coz when u got money in hand, u tend to spend more! a $50 dollar note in wallet will be gone in a few mins! i will have the "oh, im rich today" feeling, "let's get some snacks for movie" blah blah blah.


see that thick stack of money?
the bloody hell POSB ATM gave me 35 pieces of $10 notes.
or maybe,
THEY RAN OUT OF $50 notes!!
hell who will believe u...
ya it's a total fake, i hand itchy and withdraw $40 each time for 9 times to get all those $10 notes. YA RITE, IM NOT SO FREE!

and my wallet cant close for a few minutes until i gave the money to the sgpools auntie.


Germany won so Imax owe me $50! (:

Monday, June 23, 2008


hmmm that fat bear tag me with this, so i shall reply since i can't dota! hell to my lappy! lag and lag.

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

no lover no betrayer. so let's don't love :)

#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
i wanna be a millionaire by 30

#3. If you could be at one place right now, where would it be?
lying on a bed of money :)

#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
nah~ im so confident. (like real)

#5. What's your ideal lover like?
a money lover

#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being rich

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
see how rich am i

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
make them break up. haha =x

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
ya, lost some money to sg pools

#10. What do you want most in life?
money, 钱不是万能,但没有钱万万不能

#11. Is being tagged fun?
depends on my mood, everything can be fun when im happy

#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?

#13. Who is the current most important person to you?
eh, that person who pays me my wage.

#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
she's fat, but yet reluctant to slim down. sometimes nice coz she buys lunch for me during work. :)

#15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
rich and rich

#16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ?
i want my own holicks, as in i will name my puppy holicks. coz i LOVE holicks! HOHOHO. im so jealous... that bear got 2 cute puppies =/

#17. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to do?
erm... wasting my time doing nothing, my time = money. :)

#18. What kind of person do you think you are?
im a very nice boy

#19. What do you define as a bad day?
why not say a good day? pissing patrons off is a good day :D i hate retarded. not mentally retarded. those fuckers singaporeans. omg, i didn't realise that i hate singaporeans so much! okay, that's a bad day.

#20. If you have to choose between love and friendship, what would it be?
i love friendship. :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

i wonder how do parents teach their children now.
go into the cinemas and make a big fuss?
such a bad example.
so this case your children are still young and will learn whatever they see and listen, right? cause it's the time that their learning ability is the strongest. what i see while i working this school holiday is that parents being stingy, arrogant, short-tempered and even vulgarities coming out from their mouth when their children is just next to them. so i think your children will grow up to be 横行霸道! buggers. i think your children will shout "FUCK YOU DAD" when you forget to give them allowances. yea im so right and i will be.

yes about singaporeans again. those act like clever people, why? they think they are very clever by knowing to speak a language called english. na bei. sorry not clever enough. kena this fucker that come to collect some group booking tickets. alright, i don't mind your lousy attitude while talking to me cause im kind enough to forgive u retarded. and so, while collecting payment he asked about the freebies. alright, fair enough cause maybe the corporate sales people wanted to give him some. then i wanted him to sign the credit card slip but he refused. "where are the freebies?" so i replied "i will check for you but don't mind you sign on this paper and the credit card slip first?" then he raised his voice "i won't sign until i see the freebies" NA BEI CHAO TURTLE. he only book for 65 tickets LA! and everything only total up to $721.50. other people come and collect booking are all in thousands lo also never come and KP. so i dulan, hold on to his credit card and went to ask manager about those freebies. ok, no result cause no instructions are given. i told him to called up that person about the freebies thing so he called. no reply. im still holding on to his credit card. still don't want to sign. "I WANT TO SEE YOUR DUTY MANAGER" fine... i walkie, "... that person guai lan want to see you" because of some donno what freebies want to make a big fuss, then my box office jam que because of all these fuckers. then those kena jam come and scold us. WTF. cheesepie people. come on singaporeans... reflect on yourselves!

Friday, June 13, 2008

and also...
sry that i post this a little late...



bye bird!
im officially sick!
even though im feeling not very well but im happy.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

so i don't get.. i requested to off for 7 days!
why am i still get rostered for shifts.
your not enough staff i already try to compromise liao lo.
cant even get a good rest.
pay like shit, work like hell.

fuck dup. no wonder so many people mc recently.
duh... overwork like hell la.
hope i get sick soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

something stuck me, makes me feel uneasy and i can't go to sleep.

maybe im thinking too much, yea maybe.
this humid night... hot yet chilly, flu's back!

requested to off for the next whole week.
hope i doesn't get call back to work.
no more 6 days for me.
i have been working like a full-time part-timer.
this is crappy.

everything will be fine after a sleep... right?

Monday, June 09, 2008

something i so look forward to nowadays... a great OFF DAY! ya as mention, really... it's so hard to get an off days nowadays where blockbusters come in like nobody's business and all the LONG LIST of staffs went MIA. working OT is inevitable. i work 16 days without an off day! patrons are damn irritating enough, but some staffs are even more irritating. lolx. u guys should know who.

sometimes i really wonder what else can Singaporeans do except watching movies. okay nothing. but why can't they bring their BRAINS to the cinemas? damn retarded la! sometimes i really want to shout back to them "why are YOU SO FUCKING RETARDED!" don't come here if you think it sucks and don't tell it to me cause i'll be damn sarcastic. don't come and quarrel with me about changing your FREE redemptions into other stuff cause there will be no outcome. don't come ask me about redeeming when i put up the sign "DEAR PATRONS, REDEMPTION ONLY AT LEVEL 2 CANDYBAR" and which guy at the table tells you so. sorry i don't think they are the organisers and we didn't receive instructions about giving you FREE popcorns at lvl 3! what's wrong with these people? and another fucker, ask me to start the film NOW. WTF. your father cinema ah. ask me to start then start. our meals and toilet breaks also no time u still come and make us bo eng. KNN.

oh hell and yea, they don't understand SIMPLE english.
me: only left 3rd rows from the screen
RAAA: huh? what's that? i cant hear.(RAAA=retarded auntie act atas)
RAAA: why are u speaking so loud?
me: cause you said you cant hear?

what nonsense. act slang with me. everyday my happy mood kena spoil by these retarded people. damn idiotic can.

Bring your brains
Do not jam the que by asking nonsense
Be mentally prepared to seat at the front(you should know why)
VIVO is too popular for you to do walk-ins(unless you come 10am to buy for 1am show)

feel free to feedback my dear patrons, my name is GESWIN!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

wat a joke!

im like finally resting at home after all the programs line up one by one, tight schedule! hell ya, roster for next week is out and im gonna die. BIG TIME! one of the days is with DISGUSTINGLY(silent cute).

anyway have been mahjong-ing alot these few days, and one of it is quite a joke. was finishing work at around 1150 and mami had already prepared dinner so i go home and eat first before going down to bull farm. was complaining about the cab fare but nvm that. took a cab down, called bull but never pick up so just try to open the door. locked. ms tan open the door with a very sneaky look. okay just went in with a very easy mood. ms tan said there's no mahjong, i tot she was kidding so i went to check the rooms. NO TABLE? shocked. bull called back said they at lau's house. SHOCKED! zzz no choice wanna take cab back so walk out. halfway kena check by police, previous mahjong ka long never eat. in the end they drive down and fetch me.

euro's starting.... i can feel the spree~

Monday, June 02, 2008

my lappy has been sleeping for the past 4 days so i have not been online since then. i made a wrong choice to play mahjong with jun wei on friday. finished work at 830 then i joined shu hui and lau for dinner at hog's breathe and some catching up. rushed down to bedok straight away from dinner, play tilled 630. body felt weak, took 14 home which takes about 1 and 1/2 hours then bath and went to work again... my body is in a 崩溃状态. 10 hours shifts some more, almost fell asleep while folding trash bags. work ended at 730 then left to park lane for some LAN, don't know how many freaking years never play DOTA liao. head down to Dbl O chop then went back to play again. damn crazy. as usual, clubbing on a sat never fails. lambo and sex on the beach is damn nice. :P first time took a night rider home that day, slept the whole journey also. didn't know night rider so ex now. $3.50! i tot it was still $3, enlighten me plz, when did it went up.

shag, another day of long shift which shouldn't be happening. weiting ask me to extend but was very reluctant, in the end still help her. after that i realized that at night also not enough staff after i extend. siao liao lo. so i pester weiting to extend but failed. that vase just get lazier and stupider. totally PR la! kan angry. just now still scold new staff until very sarcastic, not really sure what's going on but hear already also hot. bar was great, orders came fast but nite servers isn't that strong except me. that's true okay! i'm not boosting myself. (: finally left after helping to wash all those glasses. slept the way home and woke up just in time to alight, trained-ed.
oooh, finally got to rest! good nite peeps!

next off day - sat! tues... low.